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Optical Bench Deluxe Edition

PHY 209


A complete set for exploring geometrical optics.

Optical Bench Deluxe Edition allows the student to investigate a wide variety

of optical phenomena.

These include: reflection, lens theory, polarization, interference, diffraction

and optical instruments.



Concave and convex mirror

Convergent and divergent lens

Determine the focal length of a lens

Focal length

Gauss approximation

Grease spot photometer

Inverse square law

Inverse square law of light

Lens power

Luminous intensity

Magnifier and magnifying power



Principles of biconcave, biconvex lenses and mirrors


Ray tracing

Refraction index

Rotation of light

System of lenses

The compound microscope

The eye, hyperopic and myopic eye

The telescope

Thin lens equation
